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September 2016  Page 7


Golden Triangle Trikers


Texas Gulf Coast Trikers


Hello from Texas,


I have had four rounds of chemo, along with B12 and Iron IV. All the places I had tumors have shrunk and no new ones have shown up. Keep the prayers and thoughts coming, because they are greatly appreciated. I know there are many people with family, friends and loved ones going through issues - be it medical, financial, marriage, etc. They are also in need of our prayers. Gail and I are sending our prayers, thoughts and love your way, along with a great big hug. Love and respect to all with prayers sent your way.


The Golden Triangle Trikers welcome anyone with a love for trikes to attend our get togethers, which will be posted on the branch website, Trike Talk and/or the printable newsletter. If anyone is ever in the Golden Triangle area (Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange or surrounding area), send me an e-mail or call and leave a message.


Everyone is also invited to join Texas Gulf Coast Trikers at our regular monthly gathering at I-HOP in Kemah for dinner at 5:30 pm and the meeting at 6 pm on the first Friday of the month. Kemah is about halfway between Houston and Galveston. This invitation also includes any rides or other events in the future.


Several members of our chapter have begun going out for lunch and a movie every Tuesday. First-run movies for $.50 and an all-you-can-eat buffet at Golden Corral for $7.59 is a pretty good way to spend an entire afternoon. Anyone who wishes to join us is welcome.


Everyone ride safe and be careful,


Outlaw Jim



Hello from the Ozarks Trikers Branch,


We want to express our thanks to everyone who made it to our second Fall Fling in Kissee Mills, Missouri last month. Plans are in the works for the third one in 2017 and the details will be made available in the website and newsletter as they develop. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.


Derek "Lefty" Martin



Arizona Trikers


Howdy, everyone, from Arizona,


Sorry that we haven't been sending in updates regularly.  As many of you may know, Mike "T" has been battling cancer.  We're concentrating on him beating this challenge and shooting for being able to ride after the first of 2017. I have also been waging a major battle with my health, as well. We've been able to keep in contact with a few members and have been trying to get more assistance in getting more riders/members.

Keep riding safely, hydrate and BE FREE ON THREE.


Mr. T & Skid


Salem Oregon Triadics


Hello from Salem, Oregon,


What fine weather it is now, after some real heat.  Wally and I joined the Albany Triadics members and their families and friends for a Labor Day Trike-in. What fun.  We camped in a pasture (after the mule and horse were moved).  We had BBQs, a firepit, a couple of light rain showers, a beautiful ride, and a very good time. I'm sending in a photo of some of us (Chris, George, Dar, Wally, Nick and some grandkids.  Wally and I also towed a teardrop trailer to a Steam-up near Salem where Chris and George worked in a steam-powered saw mill.  Chris gave me a ride in the parade in his 1918 logging truck. The teardrops display their trailers there.  We send our love to Myron, who is not well.  He'd much rather be out building his trikes.  Happy Fall to all Triadics from us in Oregon.  


Marsha and Wally McPheeters
Branch Leaders, Salem Oregon Triadics




We have group rides on the first and third Sunday of the month. All are welcome to join us if you are ever in Sonoma County, California.


Ride safe,


John Palamino


Redwood Empire Trikers



Hoping everyone had a safe and happy summer.


Sarah McCullough, Branch Leader


Ohio Cruisers

Co-Founders - Jim and Marilyn "Lady" Sickler

Co-Founder & Home Branch Leader - Derek Martin "Lefty"



Ozarks Trikers


Finally cooling down enough to have perfect riding weather.


Sonny S

KS Trikers


West Georgia Trikers

We meet on the 1st Thursday night of each month. Several members of our branch volunteer at Rachel's Wish every Sunday. Rachel's Wish is a program for handicapped children. They help children with physical and mental disabilities.

For those that want to help on the 3rd Thursday evening of the month, a local place called the Christian community council gives meals and boxes of food to the poor and needy. Volunteers pack the boxes and help load them in cars. 


Jody Turner
678 321 5222

Texas Gulf Coast Trikers September Meeting

Ron Schipper "Papa Ron" - Beatriz Variot - Mike Variot "Captain Sundance" - George Moll "Cobragun" -Shirley Morgan "Firstmate" - Ken Morgan "Captain Morgan" - Sharon Hagewood - Cheryle Savoie - Dean Savoie - Diana Moll - Connie Sears - Jeff Sears 

Steam-up Chris 1917 Truck

Trikers 2 Albany

Wally Teardrop

Shirley Morgan "Firstmate" - Ken Morgan "Captain Morgan - Mike Variot "Captain Sundance" - Beatriz Variot celebrating Firstmate's seventy-fifth birthday at Tookie's

Beatriz Variot - Mike Variot "Captain Sundance" - Shirley Morgan "Firstmate" - Ken Morgan "Captain Morgan at The Spot - a biker friendly beachside place in Galveston

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