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February 2016    

Page 7


Golden Triangle Trikers


Texas Gulf Coast Trikers




Both the Golden Triangle Trikers and Texas Gulf coast Trikers hope everyone is having a good year.


The Golden Triangle Trikers welcome anyone with a love for trikes to attend our get togethers, which will be posted on the website, Trike Talk and/or the printable newsletter. If anyone is ever in the Golden Triangle area (Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange or surrounding area), send me an e-mail or call and leave a message.


Everyone is also invited to join Texas Gulf Coast Trikers at our regular monthly gathering at I-HOP in Kemah for dinner at 5:30 pm and the meeting at 6 pm on the first Friday of the month. This invitation also includes any rides or other events in the future.


Everyone ride safe and be careful,


Outlaw Jim




Ozarks Trikers


Hello to everyone from the Ozarks Trikers Branch of the Triadics family. We hope you all had a good New Years and are making it through this odd winter all right. Reservations have been made and the plans are in the works for our Reunion June 3-4-5 in Eureka Springs. It sounds like it will have a good turn out, for sure. An order was just placed for 11/2" by 4" "Charter Member" patches available to those who joined the family in the first year - 2015. The $7.00 price includes tax and shipping and the proceeds are going to help fund the Reunion. Available online at the Triadics store.


Hope to see some new faces this year at our two scheduled events. As always, get your knees in the breeze and be safe...


Derek "Lefty" Martin


Arizona Trikers


Howdy, everyone, from Arizona.  Ride safe, hydrate and BE FREE ON THREE.


Mr. T & Skid


Salem Oregon Triadics




The Salem, OR, Triadics wish everyone a wonderful 2016 and Safe Riding on three.


Marsha and Wally McPheeters

Co-Leaders, Salem Oregon Triadics



Hoping everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. The weather in the Redwood Empire California has been great. We have group rides on the first and third Sunday of the  month. All are welcome to join us if you are ever in Sonoma County, California.


Ride safe,


John Palamino


Redwood Empire Trikers



Wishing everyone a safe and happy 2016 from Ohio Cruisers!


Sarah McCullough, Branch Leader

Ohio Cruisers

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