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Texas Gulf Coast Trikers


NEWSLETTER May 2015    

Page 7

For our wedding anniversary every year, we ride the trike to the hill country near Kerrville and do the most popular motorcycle ride in Texas - the Three Sisters. Three ranch roads create a 200 mile figure-eight run with thrilling roller coaster hills and exciting switchbacks usually found only in big mountains. This year was our 53rd and we rode over 1,000 miles in four days with only an intermittent speedometer to give us grief until it decided to stop acting up. Rain could be seen in the distance all around us and a few sprinkles hit our hands going to and coming from Kerrville, but not enough to even get them wet. Beautiful fields of bluebonnets and several other Texas wildflowers were in abundance.




Golden Triangle Trikers




The Golden Triangle Trikers welcomes anyone with a love for trikes to attend our get togethers, which will be posted on the website, Trike Talk and/or the printable newsletter.  If anyone is ever in the Golden Triangle area (Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange or surrounding area), send me an e-mail or call and leave a message.


Everyone ride safe and be careful,


Outlaw Jim


Home Branch - Ozarks Trikers





Don't forget the dates for the reunion get together, June 5-7 at Wanderlust RV Park in Eureka Springs. T-shirts will be available at the Triadics Store only until May 15, with the proceeds going to fund the event. We will be there from the 4th to the 8th, in case anyone wants to stay a couple extra days. 


Be Safe....


Derek "Lefty" Martin


Arizona Trikers



Howdy, everyone, from Arizona.  


Ride safe, hydrate and BE FREE ON THREE,


Mr. T & Skid


Salem Oregon Triadics


The Salem, Oregon Triadics welcomes anyone interested in trikes to our meetings. The regular meetings will be posted on the website, Trike Talk and/or the printable newsletter. Give us a call if you are out our way  -  503-990-6250.           


On three, 


Wally and Marsha McPheeters  

Wildflowers were growing everywhere during Captain Morgan and Firstmate's 53rd wedding anniversary trip.





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