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June 2016    

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Golden Triangle Trikers


Texas Gulf Coast Trikers


Hello from Texas.


Both the Golden Triangle Trikers and Texas Gulf coast Trikers hope everyone is having a good year.


The Golden Triangle Trikers welcome anyone with a love for trikes to attend our get togethers, which will be posted on the branch website, Trike Talk and/or the printable newsletter. If anyone is ever in the Golden Triangle area (Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange or surrounding area), send me an e-mail or call and leave a message.


Everyone is also invited to join Texas Gulf Coast Trikers at our regular monthly gathering at I-HOP in Kemah for dinner at 5:30 pm and the meeting at 6 pm on the first Friday of the month. Kemah is about halfway between Houston and Galveston. This invitation also includes any rides or other events in the future.


Everyone ride safe and be careful,


Outlaw Jim



A message from the Triadics Family .....


We are looking forward to celebrating our third Triadics Reunion in Eureka Springs, Arkansas in 2017. The first and second were huge successes and the third one promises to be even bigger and better. We had members from California, Georgia, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, and Texas. Our purpose is to be a triking family available to folks who do not have one and we have found that we are amassing quite a wonderful group of members throughout our structure of family branches. Everyone is always welcome at our meetings, events, reunions and rallies. We do not mind if you belong to another group and you are not required to own a trike or bike. We only want to have fun and share in fellowship and friendship and lend a helping hand wherever it might be needed. Please share our information with others who may be interested in triking. Our membership dues are FREE and the rewards are many.


This is what we have planned for Eureka Springs in 2017.

Thursday, June 1, at noon, we will set up the meeting hall and begin welcoming members.

Friday, June 2, will be a day of hanging out and visiting with a campfire that evening. We will have a pre-ride meeting, where we will be planning the route and setting up the ride schedule. We will provide maps with the itinerary, in case we get separated or someone needs to cut their ride short.

Saturday, June 3, we will have a pancake breakfast at 8 am and the ride will begin at 10 am with a lunch stop and we should be back at the campground by 3 pm. Saturday evening at 5:00, we will have dinner. We will be selling dinner tickets until the ride begins on Saturday morning, so we know how much food to buy. We will be having a raffle that evening. Ozarks Trikers is donating a basket and if any branches would like to donate something to raffle off, that would be awesome.


Sunday, June 4, we will do 50/50's during breakfast and enjoy hang-out time before folks start leaving. We will have the meeting hall open until Monday morning for anyone who wishes to stay another day.  We are open to suggestions for ways to improve the reunion, so please contact Jim or Lefty by email or post on Trike Talk to open a discussion of your ideas.


Jim is maintaining our members list in our database.  Anyone with concerns over member forms such as changes on membership information can contact him. 


Hope to see some new faces this year at one or more of our events. As always, get your knees in the breeze and be safe...



Arizona Trikers


Howdy, everyone, from Arizona.  Ride safe, hydrate and BE FREE ON THREE.


Mr. T & Skid


                    Salem Oregon Triadics



Wally and Marsha are madly packing to drive from Oregon to Eureka Springs for the 2nd Annual Triadics' Reunion.  We look forward to meeting lots of other members, especially Lefty and Firstmate, and to seeing Lady and Jim again.

Meanwhile, our Salem meetings and ice cream meets and other good stuff will go on as usual. 

Our Branch meets faithfully twice a month and rides when we can.  If you are in the Salem, OR, area, look us up.  We would love to see you.


Wally and Marsha McPheeters,

Co-Leaders, Salem Oregon Triadics


We have group rides on the first and third Sunday of the month. All are welcome to join us if you are ever in Sonoma County, California.


Ride safe,


John Palamino


Redwood Empire Trikers



Wishing everyone a safe and happy reunion from Ohio Cruisers!


Sarah McCullough, Branch Leader

Ohio Cruisers


Topwater Grill in San Leon

Beatriz Variot--Mike Variot "Captain Sundance"--Ken Morgan "Captain Morgan"--Shirley Morgan "Firstmate"--Dianne Ballard "Lady Di"--James Ballard "Chaplain"

James Ballard--Dianne Ballard--Beatriz Variot--Shirley Morgan--Mike Variot--Ken Morgan with ten biker friends from Southern Cruisers Riding Club who rode 120 miles in the rain to get there  

Walter Sorrells finally got another trike!!  He had an accident two years ago and a group in Arkansas stole his trike while he was in the hospital. He has already made his hotel reservations and will be riding it to Eureka Springs.

Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to help with the organization and running of the group and we look forward to continued growth of our family. We are still a very young organization and there are many things that still need to be worked out, but I really think things are going great. So, please get out there and spread the good word. Be safe and hope to see you all at the third Reunion.

Derek "Lefty" Martin

Co-Founders - Jim and Marilyn "Lady" Sickler

Co-Founder & Home Branch Leader - Derek Martin "Lefty"

The Morgans and the Variots joined the Ballards in celebrating James Ballard's 65th birthday. 



Ozarks Trikers

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