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 "Laughter is the Best Medicine"


May 2015

Page 8


A fellow who very seldom left his home in the woods had a relative flying in for a visit and offered to pick him up at the airport. When he arrived, he was amazed at all the neat stuff they had there and decided to check a few things out, since he had some time to kill until his guest's plane arrived.


As he was walking around, he spotted a large sign, "Talk To The Computer." Intrigued, he walked over and saw a huge robot-looking thing with a slot to deposit money and a small sign that read, "Deposit $1 and have a conversation with our computer."


Hesitant, he stood there for a moment and watched someone walk up and put $1 in the slot. Lights began to flash and interesting sounds came from the creature.


"Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful day. What is your IQ?"


"It is 135," the man responded.


"Then, let's talk about the newest advances in forensic science and the current trends of the national educational system."


After a few minutes of lively conversation, the man left and another customer who had also been watching deposited his $1.


"Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful day. What is your IQ?"




"Then, let's talk about the local news and national politics."


After a few minutes, that customer finished and the man decided that he would try it and put in his $1.


"Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful day. What is your IQ?"




"And how is your trike running?"

submitted by Firstmate -





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